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Chant va Form: What You Should Know

I am not a part of the world outside me, my life is like the vast ocean beyond my own life. This emptiness I am as if I don't exist and no-thing that happens to me in life happens to me.  Empty form is like a void in me. My mind is my form. As soon as I want or don't want I don't have a mind. Dharma in this sense is only emptiness of form. What's beyond that is form. I don't have the capacity to take a deep look into the Buddha Nature itself. What's beyond that I can see only in the present moment. In the present I am a very fine line, and I've got a lot to learn. I'm not aware of my mind at all. What's outside me and what's inside my mind are just two different concepts. This is the way I've got to see things. And this is the true nature of living — As if the world existed, and you were not.  When you see there is no point in living, when everything exists and is not, that is when you will become like someone else. A mind that is not here doesn't see any point in living. But a mind that sees the form of a mind is here living, here living to the utmost. When you're born in this world you are not aware of the nature of living in yourself. When you've given birth to this body, you haven't really entered the world. How would you know the difference between the real world and this world? In the beginning it's just like dreaming and then reality begins. I see that there are things not yet known and all of them are born from the same starting point. To have a vision of this reality is the path of true enlightenment. We know that we are not here. Yet we carry around our thoughts, the things we're thinking, our thoughts and the things that we've given birth to. It's like this: the thoughts that you have are all false. What's real can only be perceived by an enlightened eye. The world outside of mind, the world of form, is like a mountain covered with snow. Form and mind are one. And the mind itself is no such thing. It's all form. We are only a small piece of what is.

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